Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Lab 3. Wave Motion Variable


In this experiment, we determine the relationship between frequency and wavelength using long springs. 



Tiles Meters Time  Time  Amplitude Frequecy
9 2.7432 12.49 12.60333333 0.7 0.080064051
9 2.7432 12.51 0.079936051
9 2.7432 12.81 0.078064012
11 3.3528 11.57 11.71666667 0.625 0.086430424
11 3.3528 12.01 0.083263947
11 3.3528 11.57 0.086430424
13 3.9624 11.37 11.23333333 0.65 0.087950748
13 3.9624 11.19 0.089365505
13 3.9624 11.14 0.089766607


Question : What is the relationship between frequency and wavelength? Is it linear or non-linear relationship?

Answer : Our seem to have a "Linear relationship." However, the relationship isn't correct its directions. Based on our data, the frequency is increasing as the wavelength is increasing. However, according to the equation,  
the wavelength and frequency has inversely proportion to each other. Therefore, our data did not support the physical property. 

Why? There are third variable that we have while we performed the experiments. We added tension to the spring. When we increase the wavelength, we have not increase the spring's length but just step back by holding a same position on spring. It created increasing of tension by increasing the wavelength. Therefore, our experiment was not accurately designed for examine the relationship between frequency and wavelength. 

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